Now as the holidays are over and we follow our New Year’s Resolutions (for about two more weeks ;-)), let us look back and share a little story with you. About potica.
In Episode 4 of Private guide Slovenia goes virtual we told/showed our viewers how a Christmas dinner looks like in our home. From preparations, traditions to the event itself. It is always great to have the family gathered at the table for such an occasion. We all fell the same about this, right? We were also happy to recieve many positive comments about the episode. Thank you!
There was another surprise that followed that episode. People reaching out to us, inspired to cook, or better put bake, the way we bake. We were proud to send out the recipes for potica, and very happy as some of you eMailed pictures to show the results of your hard work.
Before we show you the pictures, two reminders:
1.- the task of baking the potica lies like a heavy bourdon on the shoulders of the person that is making it. You know it will be a long day in the kitchen, the recope is not simple, there are many ways it can go wrong and as a special bonus, you get to clean the mess at the end of the day. So we tip the hat to the brave ones that gave it a go!
2.- the images were taken mostly with cell phones, we did not re-touch them at all.
We absolutely love this pictures, and you can see, that there is little difference, if any between the “originals” baked in Slovenia and the pictures sent in. Our guess is that is was the first time you made potica. You all did an amazing job! We admire your dedication and hope you enjoyed the results. 🙂
In the future we plan to share more information about Slovenian cuisine, we will even host a dedicated Zoom webinar about it in February. We hope to encourage you to try and bring some flavours from Slovenia to your homes and share them with your family or friends. As far as potica goes, if you haven’t decided to make it for Christmas, You will ba able to do it for Easter.
Speaking of sharing… Feel free to share this post via social media or eMail with your friends or family. We see two good reasons to do that: 1.- you can brag with your potica 😉
2.- you can motivate people to give it a go!
Stay tuned for more about Slovenian cooking in the following weeks.